Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Liza Minelli's Cairn Terrier

Singer/Actress/Entertainer Liza Minelli once owned a cairn terrier, Lily. Makes sense because of Toto connection. Below is a quote from 2000, given to Interview magazine. Cairns are something to be grateful for. Liza also cited to Slate she left David Gest because among other reasons, he wasn't nice to her cairn.

Lily passed away a few years ago. Apparently she now owns another breed; so if I ever meet Liza, I'm asking why.

SN: What are you grateful for?
LM: I am grateful when I wake up in the morning. I'm grateful that I've made my iced coffee and it's in the refrigerator. I am grateful that Lily's there. [Lily is a Calm terrier] I am grateful for my sobriety.

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